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12' - Horror Fantastic


ENG -Two daring teenagers follow a naked young woman seen on the edge of a forest. An adventure that will forever change their lives.

FR - Deux adolescents en quête d’experiences partent à la poursuite d’une jeune femme nue aperçue à la lisière d’une forêt. Une aventure qui les marquera à tout jamais.


Written by Charles-Edouard Dangelser & Grégoire Vaillant

Directed by Grégoire Vaillant & Charles-Edouard Dangelser

Starring Benjamin Bahoul & Lenny Bouich

Music by Grégoire Vaillant


Winner - Los Angeles Film Awards - Best Horror Film

Winner - Los Angeles Film Awards - Best Editing

Winner - Los Angeles Film Awards - Best Original Soundtrack

Winner - New York Oniros Film Awards - Best Horror Film

Winner - Vegas Movie Awards - Best Horror Film

Winner - Vegas Movie Awards - Best Original Soundtrack

Winner - Los Angeles IndieX - Best Horror Short

Winner - Los Angeles IndieX - Best Original Soundtrack

Winner - Los Angeles Independent Short Awards - Best Horror Short

Winner - Los Angeles Independent Short Awards - Best Original Soundtrack

Winner - Los Angeles Independent Short Awards - Best Editing

 Winner - Bucharest ShortCut Cine Fest -  Soundtrack Award

Winner - Bucharest ShortCut Cine Fest -  Best Cinematography

Winner - Bucharest ShortCut Cine Fest -  Best Editing

Finalist -  Montreal Independant Film Festival

Finalist - Venezia Shorts

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